Çağrı Akyol

Büyüme odaklı pazarlama ve geleneksel pazarlamada yaklaşık 20 yıllık tecrübeye sahip olan Çağrı Akyol sektörde bireysel marka olarak adından söz ettirmekte. Çalıştığı markaların müşterileriyle olan ilişkilerinde stratejik bağ kurmasına yardım eden Çağrı Akyol ile unutulmayacak başarılara imza atacaksınız.

Expertise and Interests


Ömer Suner is one of the leaders of fintech in Turkey. As the CEO of Ozan SuperApp, he carries his expertise to the global market.

Startups & Growth Hacking

Building his marketing expertise at Samsung Electronics and BNP Paribas, Ömer Suner is a relentless growth hacker, a unique marketing-oriented executive for fintech startups.


Ömer is an avid motorcycle enthusiast. Choppers, speed bikes - you name it. His latest favorite is Honda CBR 600RR.


Ömer started sailing at the age of 8. He is still an active sailor, taking part in Regattas across the Mediterranean.
